Breast Augmentation in Naples
Reasons for getting it done
Many women today are considering Breast Augmentation in Naples to increase their self esteem and boost their self image. Elizabeth Fox, MD is board certified in plastic surgery; she gives her patients beautiful, natural looking results. Each surgical procedure is customized to your specific breast type and shape. All of her patients receive caring, individualized attention.
The most important results in Breast Augmentation in Naples are to achieve the perfect size, and excellent cleavage. Dr. Elizabeth Fox makes sure that she does not dissect the lateral, outer portion of the breast, therefore the breast implant is placed more towards the center, giving better cleavage. (see before and after photos)
Ideal candidates for Breast Enhansement in Naples include patients who:
Have small breasts
Have a loss in breast volume after childbirth
Have a difference in size of their breasts (asymmetry)
Want to look better and fit better in clothing
Desire fuller breasts with enhanced cleavage
To lift breasts
Elizabeth Fox, MD can increase the volume and fullness of your breasts by placing a saline or silicone breast implant either above or below the pectoral muscle. At her AAAA certified surgical facility in Naples, Dr. Elizabeth Fox mostly places Breast Implants in Naples beneath the muscle for the following reasons:
Below the Pectoral Muscle
Looks more like natural breast tissue
Better visualization on mammography
Slows breast drooping in the future
Helps impede breasts from sagging in the future
Less wrinkling and rippling
Above the Muscle
An implant may be placed above the muscle if you are trying to avoid the incisions of a breast lift in the immediate future
Increases chance of rippling and wrinkling
More palpable (can be felt easier than if under the muscle)
May require a breast lift in the future
Incision Sites
There are four basic incision sites used for Breast Augmentation in Naples. Dr. Elizabeth Fox will discuss your options with you and help you decide which is best for you.
Transumbilical or Endoscopic
An incision is made in the belly button and the surgeon tunnels through the abdominal tissue to reach the proper placement
No warranty is honored on implants when the transumbilical approach is used
Very unlikely that implant will be placed under the muscle
Axillary Approach
An incision is made in the axillary (underarm) area and the surgeon makes the pocket from the side
Less likely to achieve adequate cleavage, implant is placed in a more lateral (out to the sides) position
More than six weeks of discomfort after surgery, longer healing time
Tearing of muscle, too much destruction of tissue
You may have a visible scar when you wear a sleeveless shirt
An incision is made on the side of the areola (the colored part of the nipple)
May be used for saline implants or small silicone implants
Heals beautifully and scar may be barely visible
Scar blends well with natural change in skin color surrounding the nipple
Allows for placement of the implants under the muscle or under the glandular tissue
Perfect incision site for saline implants (see before and after pictures)
An incision is made under the crease of the breasts, in the natural fold under the breast
Allows for placement of the implants under the muscle or under the glandular tissue
Dr. Fox can create beautiful cleavage when using this approach
Can place silicone implant with ease
Easy to hide the scar (see before and after pictures)
Breast Augmentation in Naples is a great way to help restore fullness to your breasts and help you gain more confidence. Dr.Elizabeth Fox can help you choose the perfect size breasts so that your body is in the correct proportions. Breast Enhansement in Naples is a procedure that can empower women, Elizabeth Fox, MD listens to the patient and gives them the perfect size and shape breasts for beautiful results.
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