Breast Implants in Naples, FL

Elizabeth Fox, MD is a board certified plastic surgeon who specializes in breast implants in Naples,FL. 

Saline or Silicone?

Breast Implants come in different sizes and shapes.  They can be filled with either saline or can be silicone gel (see before and after photos).  Saline and silicone breast implants can be placed below the pectoral muscle, in a sub-pectoral pocket. At Fox Plastic Surgery Center in Naples, FL; Dr. Elizabeth Fox can help you choose which option is better for you.  There are advantages and benefits for both types of implants such as:

Saline Breast Implants

  • Possible to achieve a high round look

  • Smaller incision therefore, smaller scar

  • Less expensive than silicone

  • Scar is located around the areola; camouflages well

Silicone Breast Implants

  • Look and Feel more like natural breast tissue

  • Less rippling and wrinkling than saline implants

  • Can be placed either above or below the muscle

  • Gummy Bear breasts implants or cohesive gel implants

  • Natrelle Silicone gel breast implants by Allergan

  • Memory Gel Silicone breast implants by Mentor

  • Approved by the FDA in 2006 for patients with asymmetry and normal breasts


Most commonly, Dr. Elizabeth Fox uses high profile smooth round silicone or saline breast implants.  Elizabeth Fox, MD can help you choose the implant that best suits your body shape and meets your goals.


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